Revisiting Your Halftime Roadmap
One of the key attributes that we see in the lives of Halftime Alumni who stick with their calling over time is Adaptability.
They have a way of changing and flexing over decades of service – adjusting their style, skills, platform, and language. When the trend with aging is to become “stuck in our ways”, somehow these leaders have chosen to become adaptable.
How do they do it?
We’re learning by watching, but one thing we see is that they stop regularly and assess what is working and not working, letting their plans evolve. They get feedback from their family, friends and personal board. Their hearts are not only open to others’ perspectives, but they are actively listening to God and those around them.
In this 30-minute webinar, Doug Piper and Lloyd will talk about one possible way to reflect on the past year and plan for what’s next – using your Roadmap as a tool for the process.
Questions & Answers: For those who can stay on, we’ll spend another 20-30 minutes on Q&A.
Click Here to Register & Save Your Spot
View our previous “Coffee with Lloyd” webinars (on YouTube):
• Deeper, More Meaningful Family Holiday Gatherings
• Building Your Platform
• Surround Yourself for Maximum Impact
• 3 Essential Limits to Finishing Well
• The Science of Leverage in Your Second Half
• Designing Your Own Spiritual Renewal Retreat
• Taking the “Awkward” Out of Family Meetings
• Designing Your Own Low-Cost Probes
• A Conversation with Spouses of Halftimers
• Creating a Life-Changing Personal Board
• Including Your Spouse on your Halftime Journey
• Finally Connected