Throughout your Halftime experience you’ve heard us talk about the power of a silent solo retreat. These intentionally scheduled times away from the busyness and distraction of everyday life calm our hearts, focus our thinking and fine-tune our ear to God’s voice. If we want confirmation of our calling, we need to slow down long enough to hear from the Caller.
What we hear from Halftimers, however, is that they run into challenges when it comes time to actually do their retreat:
By joining a Halftime coach when they go on their own personal retreat, all of those barriers are removed, so we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.
While a majority of the retreat time is spent on your own and in silence, Lloyd will have light structure and content to enhance your own retreat experience.
Lodging, meals and materials are provided – you just cover your own travel expenses.
Date: May 9-10, 2024
Time: Friday, 6:00pm to Saturday, 4:00pm
Location: Private, historic home in Old Town Pinehurst, NC
Cost: $150 (includes lodging, meals and materials)
If you would like to join Lloyd, please email Priscilla George at to register or for more info.