Many Halftime alumni discover their sweet spot and find a heightened level of joy when they see the blessing they bring in others’ lives. I can see it on their faces as they tell me about what they’re doing.
How can we maximize the impact of our second half without running ourselves ragged or jeopardizing family and health? From my observation of others who are making what Bob Buford would call “100X impact”, it’s about focus and leverage.
In this 30-minute webinar Doug Piper and I will unpack four elements of leverage and some examples of what that really looks like in someone’s daily rhythm.
For those who can stay on, we will interact around your questions for another 15-30 minutes.
Click here to register & save your spot
View our previous webinars:
• Designing Your Own Spiritual Renewal Retreat
• Taking the “Awkward” Out of Family Meetings
• Designing Your Own Low-Cost Probes
• A Conversation with Spouses of Halftimers
• Creating a Life-Changing Personal Board
• Including Your Spouse on Your Halftime Journey
• Finally Connected