Coaches & Mentors

How much (success, wealth, lifestyle, acclaim, etc) is enough? What does significance look like for you, and how do you attain it? How can you find a best-fit role so that you can leave a legacy?

Halftime Coaches are peers who have traveled the path you’re on and dedicated their lives to serving those on the road to significance. They bring a keen understanding of the Halftime journey, having personally experienced their own mid-life transition. With helpful assessment tools, inside knowledge of opportunities and a broad perspective on diverse Halftime models, our coaches can help launch you toward outstanding second-half results.

You will meet face-to-face or by phone/Skype monthly with your coach to help you stay on track and ensure your second-half plan is fully implemented. We can also tailor your coaching to match the pace and duration to your specific needs and style (i.e., you may prefer a couple of preliminary meetings, followed by several months on your own to strategize and explore opportunities, and then a second set of meetings to evaluate and refine your plan). Your Coach will document all conclusions and action steps in writing.

If you’re interested in finding a Halftime coach or learning more, fill out the form below so that we can get in touch with you.